
Gresham QuadKids
Gresham QuadKids - Years 6, 7 & 8 (30/06/2019)


Boys individual ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameSprint timeSprint pointsJump distanceJump pointsRun timeRun pointsThrow distanceThrow pointsOverall points
1Daniel CoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.80473.794502:50.596937.4162223
2Oliver SpCity of Norwich AC15.40513.213402:49.507039.7166221
3George RiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.60493.453902:36.708327.4345216
4Finlay FoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.30523.684302:58.906130.6551207
5George SmGreat Yarmouth & District AC15.40513.423802:57.706227.4345196
6Max PaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC16.30423.073102:54.706533.1055193
6Riley BeRyston Runners AC15.80473.854703:00.805924.5040193
8Giles AtThetford AC16.10443.624202:56.996326.3243192
9Bradley MaDereham Runners AC16.30423.574102:59.306126.2043187
10Alfie FiThetford AC16.90362.552102:50.007024.9041168
11Matthew BeNorth Norfolk Harriers AC17.20333.263502:56.806321.9336167
12Alfie BoWest Norfolk AC16.90362.942803:14.694533.6956165
13Tom VaCity of Norwich AC15.90462.632203:15.794430.5350162
14Thomas SmNorth Norfolk Harriers AC18.10242.752503:09.205129.6849149
15George PoCity of Norwich AC15.90462.832603:38.302230.6451145
16Alfie FuCity of Norwich AC16.90362.962903:13.704619.1531142
17Izak HaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC17.80272.361703:37.402317.542996
18Taylor McNorth Norfolk Harriers AC20.00102.632203:43.291719.563281
19William HiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC18.30221.991004:32.091017.742971

Girls individual ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameSprint timeSprint pointsJump distanceJump pointsRun timeRun pointsThrow distanceThrow pointsOverall points
1Caitlin BeCity of Norwich AC14.80574.125203:00.006024.7941210
2Chloe ThCity of Norwich AC14.60594.075102:59.706020.3033203
3Emily RoGreat Yarmouth & District AC15.60493.473902:48.207221.2335195
4Esme JoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.10543.363702:45.197515.5125191
5Rosie DiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC16.10443.333602:45.297518.1030185
6Alicia-Mae HoThetford AC15.70483.293503:11.504825.8143174
7Molly GaBeccles & Bungay Harriers AC16.30423.353703:00.595916.8828166
8Maddy PoCity of Norwich AC15.80473.483903:43.191731.8753156
9Stevie AsNorth Norfolk Harriers AC16.80373.113202:54.096611.6019154
10Chelsey IrCity of Norwich AC15.80472.962903:08.705115.9126153
11Clarice CaRyston Runners AC15.70482.942803:07.695212.8021149
12Charlotte GiCity of Norwich AC17.20333.463903:22.103821.4235145
13Eliza AdDereham Runners AC16.60392.772503:24.403624.3640140
14Wilhelmnia ThNorwich Road Runners17.70282.642203:15.494422.7637131
15Liliana MaCity of Norwich AC17.30323.043003:25.303517.7829126
16Lani WoCity of Norwich AC15.80470.00003:08.195213.7022121
17Talia LlNorth Norfolk Harriers AC18.30222.071103:46.201411.551966

Top Sprinters

Boys top 20 Sprint ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameSprint TimeSprint Points
1Finlay FoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.3052
2Oliver SpCity of Norwich AC15.4051
2George SmGreat Yarmouth & District AC15.4051
4George RiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.6049
5Daniel CoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.8047
5Riley BeRyston Runners AC15.8047
7Tom VaCity of Norwich AC15.9046
7George PoCity of Norwich AC15.9046
9Giles AtThetford AC16.1044
10Max PaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC16.3042
10Bradley MaDereham Runners AC16.3042
12Alfie FiThetford AC16.9036
12Alfie BoWest Norfolk AC16.9036
12Alfie FuCity of Norwich AC16.9036
15Matthew BeNorth Norfolk Harriers AC17.2033
16Izak HaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC17.8027
17Thomas SmNorth Norfolk Harriers AC18.1024
18William HiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC18.3022
19Taylor McNorth Norfolk Harriers AC20.0010

Girls top 20 Sprint ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameSprint TimeSprint Points
1Chloe ThCity of Norwich AC14.6059
2Caitlin BeCity of Norwich AC14.8057
3Esme JoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.1054
4Emily RoGreat Yarmouth & District AC15.6049
5Alicia-Mae HoThetford AC15.7048
5Clarice CaRyston Runners AC15.7048
7Maddy PoCity of Norwich AC15.8047
7Chelsey IrCity of Norwich AC15.8047
7Lani WoCity of Norwich AC15.8047
10Rosie DiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC16.1044
11Molly GaBeccles & Bungay Harriers AC16.3042
12Eliza AdDereham Runners AC16.6039
13Stevie AsNorth Norfolk Harriers AC16.8037
14Charlotte GiCity of Norwich AC17.2033
15Liliana MaCity of Norwich AC17.3032
16Wilhelmnia ThNorwich Road Runners17.7028
17Talia LlNorth Norfolk Harriers AC18.3022

Top Jumpers

Boys top 20 Jump ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameJump DistanceJump Points
1Riley BeRyston Runners AC3.8547
2Daniel CoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.7945
3Finlay FoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.6843
4Giles AtThetford AC3.6242
5Bradley MaDereham Runners AC3.5741
6George RiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.4539
7George SmGreat Yarmouth & District AC3.4238
8Matthew BeNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.2635
9Oliver SpCity of Norwich AC3.2134
10Max PaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.0731
11Alfie FuCity of Norwich AC2.9629
12Alfie BoWest Norfolk AC2.9428
13George PoCity of Norwich AC2.8326
14Thomas SmNorth Norfolk Harriers AC2.7525
15Tom VaCity of Norwich AC2.6322
15Taylor McNorth Norfolk Harriers AC2.6322
17Alfie FiThetford AC2.5521
18Izak HaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC2.3617
19William HiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC1.9910

Girls top 20 Jump ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameJump DistanceJump Points
1Caitlin BeCity of Norwich AC4.1252
2Chloe ThCity of Norwich AC4.0751
3Maddy PoCity of Norwich AC3.4839
3Emily RoGreat Yarmouth & District AC3.4739
3Charlotte GiCity of Norwich AC3.4639
6Esme JoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.3637
6Molly GaBeccles & Bungay Harriers AC3.3537
8Rosie DiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.3336
9Alicia-Mae HoThetford AC3.2935
10Stevie AsNorth Norfolk Harriers AC3.1132
11Liliana MaCity of Norwich AC3.0430
12Chelsey IrCity of Norwich AC2.9629
13Clarice CaRyston Runners AC2.9428
14Eliza AdDereham Runners AC2.7725
15Wilhelmnia ThNorwich Road Runners2.6422
16Talia LlNorth Norfolk Harriers AC2.0711

Top Runners

Boys top 20 Run ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameRun TimeRun Points
1George RiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:36.7083
2Oliver SpCity of Norwich AC02:49.5070
2Alfie FiThetford AC02:50.0070
4Daniel CoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:50.5969
5Max PaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:54.7065
6Matthew BeNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:56.8063
6Giles AtThetford AC02:56.9963
8George SmGreat Yarmouth & District AC02:57.7062
9Finlay FoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:58.9061
9Bradley MaDereham Runners AC02:59.3061
11Riley BeRyston Runners AC03:00.8059
12Thomas SmNorth Norfolk Harriers AC03:09.2051
13Alfie FuCity of Norwich AC03:13.7046
14Alfie BoWest Norfolk AC03:14.6945
15Tom VaCity of Norwich AC03:15.7944
16Izak HaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC03:37.4023
17George PoCity of Norwich AC03:38.3022
18Taylor McNorth Norfolk Harriers AC03:43.2917
19William HiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC04:32.0910

Girls top 20 Run ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameRun TimeRun Points
1Esme JoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:45.1975
1Rosie DiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:45.2975
3Emily RoGreat Yarmouth & District AC02:48.2072
4Stevie AsNorth Norfolk Harriers AC02:54.0966
5Chloe ThCity of Norwich AC02:59.7060
5Caitlin BeCity of Norwich AC03:00.0060
7Molly GaBeccles & Bungay Harriers AC03:00.5959
8Clarice CaRyston Runners AC03:07.6952
8Lani WoCity of Norwich AC03:08.1952
10Chelsey IrCity of Norwich AC03:08.7051
11Alicia-Mae HoThetford AC03:11.5048
12Wilhelmnia ThNorwich Road Runners03:15.4944
13Charlotte GiCity of Norwich AC03:22.1038
14Eliza AdDereham Runners AC03:24.4036
15Liliana MaCity of Norwich AC03:25.3035
16Maddy PoCity of Norwich AC03:43.1917
17Talia LlNorth Norfolk Harriers AC03:46.2014

Top Throwers

Boys top 20 Throw ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameThrow DistanceThrow Points
1Oliver SpCity of Norwich AC39.7166
2Daniel CoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC37.4162
3Alfie BoWest Norfolk AC33.6956
4Max PaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC33.1055
5Finlay FoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC30.6551
5George PoCity of Norwich AC30.6451
7Tom VaCity of Norwich AC30.5350
8Thomas SmNorth Norfolk Harriers AC29.6849
9George RiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC27.4345
9George SmGreat Yarmouth & District AC27.4345
11Giles AtThetford AC26.3243
11Bradley MaDereham Runners AC26.2043
13Alfie FiThetford AC24.9041
14Riley BeRyston Runners AC24.5040
15Matthew BeNorth Norfolk Harriers AC21.9336
16Taylor McNorth Norfolk Harriers AC19.5632
17Alfie FuCity of Norwich AC19.1531
18William HiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC17.7429
18Izak HaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC17.5429

Girls top 20 Throw ranking

RankAthlete nameTeam nameThrow DistanceThrow Points
1Maddy PoCity of Norwich AC31.8753
2Alicia-Mae HoThetford AC25.8143
3Caitlin BeCity of Norwich AC24.7941
4Eliza AdDereham Runners AC24.3640
5Wilhelmnia ThNorwich Road Runners22.7637
6Charlotte GiCity of Norwich AC21.4235
6Emily RoGreat Yarmouth & District AC21.2335
8Chloe ThCity of Norwich AC20.3033
9Rosie DiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC18.1030
10Liliana MaCity of Norwich AC17.7829
11Molly GaBeccles & Bungay Harriers AC16.8828
12Chelsey IrCity of Norwich AC15.9126
13Esme JoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC15.5125
14Lani WoCity of Norwich AC13.7022
15Clarice CaRyston Runners AC12.8021
16Stevie AsNorth Norfolk Harriers AC11.6019
16Talia LlNorth Norfolk Harriers AC11.5519


The ESAA awards are based on a points system scoring each individual discipline between 0 - 5. The ESAA Award we display is the Quadrathlon award. For more details on how these awards are scored please goto the Awards page

Because of the way the ESAA awards system scores things it is possible to get a lesser award than another athlete even though your QuadKids score is higher!

Boys Awards

RankAthlete nameTeam nameOverall PointsESAA Award
1Daniel CoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC223Silver
2Oliver SpCity of Norwich AC221Silver
3George RiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC216Silver
4Finlay FoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC207Silver
5George SmGreat Yarmouth & District AC196Silver
6Max PaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC193Silver
6Riley BeRyston Runners AC193Silver
8Giles AtThetford AC192Bronze
9Bradley MaDereham Runners AC187Bronze
10Alfie FiThetford AC168Bronze
11Matthew BeNorth Norfolk Harriers AC167Bronze
12Alfie BoWest Norfolk AC165Bronze
13Tom VaCity of Norwich AC162Bronze
14Thomas SmNorth Norfolk Harriers AC149Bronze
15George PoCity of Norwich AC145Bronze
16Alfie FuCity of Norwich AC142
17Izak HaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC96
18Taylor McNorth Norfolk Harriers AC81
19William HiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC71

Girls Awards

RankAthlete nameTeam nameOverall PointsESAA Award
1Caitlin BeCity of Norwich AC210Silver
2Chloe ThCity of Norwich AC203Gold
3Emily RoGreat Yarmouth & District AC195Silver
4Esme JoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC191Silver
5Rosie DiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC185Silver
6Alicia-Mae HoThetford AC174Silver
7Molly GaBeccles & Bungay Harriers AC166Bronze
8Maddy PoCity of Norwich AC156Silver
9Stevie AsNorth Norfolk Harriers AC154Bronze
10Chelsey IrCity of Norwich AC153Silver
11Clarice CaRyston Runners AC149Bronze
12Charlotte GiCity of Norwich AC145Bronze
13Eliza AdDereham Runners AC140Bronze
14Wilhelmnia ThNorwich Road Runners131Bronze
15Liliana MaCity of Norwich AC126Bronze
16Lani WoCity of Norwich AC121Bronze
17Talia LlNorth Norfolk Harriers AC66

QuadKids Certificates

QuadKids Certificates are FREE if your competition organiser uploads results to our website. To gain access to certificates contact the competition organiser.

You have to be registered and logged in to our website to view certificates. Simply click on the VIEW button to download a certificate, a copy will also be emailed to your registered email address.

Organisers, when you are logged in there are additional buttons on the results screens to download batches of certificates by Team or for batches of all boys or girls.

You must be logged in to view certificates.

Boys' Certificates

RankAthlete NameTeam NameOverall pointsDownload certificate
1Daniel CoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC223Certificate
2Oliver SpCity of Norwich AC221Certificate
3George RiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC216Certificate
4Finlay FoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC207Certificate
5George SmGreat Yarmouth & District AC196Certificate
6Max PaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC193Certificate
6Riley BeRyston Runners AC193Certificate
8Giles AtThetford AC192Certificate
9Bradley MaDereham Runners AC187Certificate
10Alfie FiThetford AC168Certificate
11Matthew BeNorth Norfolk Harriers AC167Certificate
12Alfie BoWest Norfolk AC165Certificate
13Tom VaCity of Norwich AC162Certificate
14Thomas SmNorth Norfolk Harriers AC149Certificate
15George PoCity of Norwich AC145Certificate
16Alfie FuCity of Norwich AC142Certificate
17Izak HaNorth Norfolk Harriers AC96Certificate
18Taylor McNorth Norfolk Harriers AC81Certificate
19William HiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC71Certificate

Girls' Certificates

RankAthlete NameTeam NameOverall pointsDownload certificate
1Caitlin BeCity of Norwich AC210Certificate
2Chloe ThCity of Norwich AC203Certificate
3Emily RoGreat Yarmouth & District AC195Certificate
4Esme JoNorth Norfolk Harriers AC191Certificate
5Rosie DiNorth Norfolk Harriers AC185Certificate
6Alicia-Mae HoThetford AC174Certificate
7Molly GaBeccles & Bungay Harriers AC166Certificate
8Maddy PoCity of Norwich AC156Certificate
9Stevie AsNorth Norfolk Harriers AC154Certificate
10Chelsey IrCity of Norwich AC153Certificate
11Clarice CaRyston Runners AC149Certificate
12Charlotte GiCity of Norwich AC145Certificate
13Eliza AdDereham Runners AC140Certificate
14Wilhelmnia ThNorwich Road Runners131Certificate
15Liliana MaCity of Norwich AC126Certificate
16Lani WoCity of Norwich AC121Certificate
17Talia LlNorth Norfolk Harriers AC66Certificate

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